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Why do we hold Vintage Pop ups at Argys?

One of our core values at Argys is sustainability; particularly the slow fashion movement. We believe our relationship with our clothes and our buying habits need an overhaul. Why? Because we cannot afford to continue as we are.

"Each year in Australia, we throw away 595 MILLION kg of clothing. 84% of that goes directly to landfill."

Fast fashion brands create thousands of new garments every day. These clothes are often made with cheap, low quality materials causing clothes to degrade and get thrown away after just a few wears. Even if theses clothes get donated to charity shops, many eventually end up in mountains of rubbish- often in countries like Ghana, where fashions wastefulness causes environmental catastrophe.

We are fighting back against fast fashion. We believe vintage clothes are just one of the many ways we can do this. Vintage fashion items are often higher quality fabrics and much more well made which is why they stand the test of time. They are also UNIQUE and can help to make a fashion statement for less.

We love vintage fashion and follow many amazing Instagram accounts such as @vintageviolettas @dollyupvintage @prettyfockingvintage and And one day when scrolling through my feed I came up with idea of sharing our Argys Surry Hills space with these amazing online vintage accounts.

Our Vintage Pop Up Partners are held at 658 Bourke St Surry Hills on Saturdays once a fortnight. They have been so successful and we look forward to growing this idea and hosting many more amazing vintage pop ups at Argys Tailoring & Alterations Surry Hills.

If you are interested in a vintage pop up or know someone that may be. Contact us today! We would love to hear from you.

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